After submission

All communication following the submission will occur through the online journal management system. After each transaction, an email will be automatically generated by the system. It is advisable to regularly check your email's junk/spam box for any system-generated communications.

View your pending submissions.


After Acceptance 

To expedite the publication process of your article, we kindly request authors to submit their proof corrections within five days. Corresponding authors will receive an email detailing the proofing steps.

EduRe is committed to ensuring the prompt and accurate publication of your article. Please use this proof solely for reviewing the typesetting, editing, completeness, and correctness of the text, tables, and figures. Any significant changes to the article, as accepted for publication, will only be considered at this stage with approval from the editors. It is crucial to consolidate all corrections into one communication. Kindly review thoroughly before responding, as the inclusion of subsequent corrections cannot be guaranteed. Proofreading is the sole responsibility of the author(s).

Please note that no changes can be made to articles once they are published online.