Scale of material development literacy perception for teachers
Material development, material development literacy, perception scaleAbstract
The aim of this study is to develop a measurement tool designed for evaluating teachers' perceptions of their proficiency in material development literacy. This tool aims to provide a structured and effective means of evaluating educators' competencies and understanding in the domain of creating educational materials. The development of such a measurement tool is crucial for obtaining accurate insights into teachers' perceptions, facilitating research on material development literacy, and guiding future interventions or training programs in the educational context. In the research, despite the participation of 1157 teachers, forms with missing data were excluded from the study. The data of 406 teachers were utilized for Explanatory Factor Analysis, and the data of 360 teachers were employed for Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The analyses resulted in a 23-item Likert-type measurement tool comprising four factors: Self-Adequacy, Desire, Material Use, and Process Skill. Additionally, three open-ended questions were included to gather qualitative data, independent of the scale. The measurement tool, explaining 66.18% of the total variance, demonstrates a high level of internal consistency with a Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient of .91. In conclusion, based on the obtained values, it is affirmed that this measurement tool can be effectively utilized to assess the material literacy perception levels of teachers.
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