Evaluation of redundancy effect in multimedia learning environment using EEG signals and eye-tracking
Redundancy effect, Multimedia learning, Cognitive load, EEG, Eye-trackingAbstract
In the multimedia learning environment, presenting texts in different formats at the same time revealed the redundancy effect. This study aimed to evaluate cognitive load by recording brain signals and eye movements while texts were presented in different formats. For this purpose, two different multimedia learning environments in which printed text and narration were presented together and solo narration were designed, respectively. An experimental study was conducted by dividing 20 of 40 participants into two different multimedia environments. This study ensured the main perspectives of building up a learning profile structure depending on learners' cognitive profile by providing two different multimedia designs for redundancy effect via participants' brain topographies and eye movements. The findings suggested that the redundancy group demonstrated elevated cognitive load, especially in the frontal and parietal regions, as seen by heightened theta, beta, and gamma wave activity. Conversely, the non-redundancy group exhibited enhanced processing efficiency with less cognitive strain.
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